Discover how to train for and master the art of manipulation, adjustment and mobilisation with our unique approach:
The Manipulation Performance Training Circle.
Be confident in the application of your manipulative technique 100% of the time
Move Anything, Anytime, Anywhere on Anybody
What you'll get:
- Unlimited access to a growing library of Instructional Technique HD Videos
- Complex techniques broken down into stages for easy practice.
- Soft Tissue, Mobilisation and HVLA Osteopathic Techniques categorised into the head and face, cervical, thoracic , lumbar, spinal junctions, pelvis, upper and lower limb for quick reference.
- Specific training exercises and drills
- Professional Forum to have your burning questions answered
- Bitesize Applied Clinical Anatomy
- Dynamic, Supportive and Growing community of practitioners raising their game
[ The Applied Technique Hub is for Osteopaths who hold a recognised qualification and are insured to practice manual manipulation. Your application will be reviewed and you'll be informed if you qualify to be a member.
Please see Terms and Conditions for more details. ]